
Older Painting, New Inspiration

Top of the Tide by West Fraser Daws Island, South Carolina

At times the artist is so completely submerged in his subject that the painting is already fully formed in the artists mind before it ever reaches the canvas and other times, the kernel of an idea is there but it takes time for it to be full grown. And then there are times when an artist is given inspiration in the form of an older painting which has come home for a little varnishing.

Plein aire and studio paintings side by side

“I remember the morning, stillness and brisk temperature. Painting on the island of my Muse. So I decided to take this advantage and make a larger in studio easel painting.”  –West Fraser
The ‘island of my Muse’ that West refers to is a small island in the Port Royal Sound called Daws Island. West spent many years painting every inch of this island. In the studio today sits the beginnings of a larger painting of this lowcountry scene. 

West Fraser

West Fraser

FOR INQUIRIES CALL: 843-723-0073


Represented in Charleston by Helena Fox Fine Art - 106-A Church St, Charleston, SC

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